- ТРИБУНА УЧЁНОГО электронный научно-практический журнал
Статья опубликована в журнале за "Март 2024"
Автор(ы) статьи: Панандтигри Умару
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УДК 34 Панандтигри Умару студент магистратуры юридический факультет Казанский (Приволжский) федеральный университет Россия, г. Казань e-mail: Oumaroupanandtigri1997@gmail.com Научный руководитель: Тюрина Наталия Евгеньевна Профессор Казанский (Приволжский) федеральный университет Россия, г. Казань ПОСЛЕДСТВИЯ СОТРУДНИЧЕСТВА МЕЖДУ ЭКОВАС И ЕС ДЛЯ МИГРАЦИИ, МОБИЛЬНОСТИ Аннотация: В мире, где миграция и мобильность постоянно расширяются благодаря глобализации и новым технологиям. В связи с этим новым явлением на всех континентах были созданы региональные экономические сообщества (РЭС), которые проводят политику свободного перемещения людей и товаров как внутри страны, так и за ее пределами. Несмотря на эти двусторонние соглашения, нелегальная миграция из Африки в Европу продолжает расти. Чтобы упорядочить транс региональную миграцию и стимулировать легальную миграцию, Европейский союз (ЕС) и Экономическое сообщество западноафриканских государств (ЭКОВАС) собираются сотрудничать в этой области. Однако цель этого сотрудничества подрывается политикой обусловленности ЕС в спорах по этим соглашениям. В данной статье рассматриваются последствия сотрудничества ЕС и ЭКОВАС для миграции и мобильности в 2017-2023 годах. Ключевые слова: миграционная политика, управление миграцией, региональная интеграция, ЭКОВАС, Европейский союз. Panandtigri Umaru master student Faculty of Law Kazan (Volga Region) Federal University Russia, Kazan Scientific adviser: Tyurina Natalia Evgenievna Professor Kazan (Volga Region) Federal University Russia, Kazan 1 Журнал «Трибуна ученого» Выпуск 03/2024 https://tribune-scientists.ru MOBILITY IMPLICATIONS OF ECOWAS-EU COOPERATION FOR MIGRATION, Abstract: In a world where migration and mobility are constantly expanding thanks to globalization and new technologies. In view of this new phenomenon, regional economic communities (RECs) have been set up on all continents, with policies for the free movement of people and goods, both internally and externally. Despite these bilateral agreements, illegal migration from Africa to Europe is set to explode. In order to regularize trans-regional migration and encourage legal migration, the European Union (EU) and the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) are going to cooperate in this area. However, the purpose of this cooperation is being undermined by the EU's policy of conditionality in these agreement disputes. This article lays bare the impacts of EU-ECOWAS cooperation on migration and mobility from 2017-2023. Key words: migration policies, migration management, regional integration, ECOWAS, European Union. I. Introduction In front of poverty, political instability, wars and authoritarian regimes in the West African region, many young people from these various countries are trying to reach Europe in search of a better life in a new world, often at the risk of their lives. Indeed, we can see in the Western media the systematic presence of pirogues stranded on the coasts of Spain and Italy, hundreds of men climbing the borders of Morocco, corpses fished out of the Mediterranean or African repatriates1. In view of this situation, ECOWAS and the EU have agreed to work in synergy to better manage irregular migratory flows and promote regular migration from Africa to Europe through cooperation agreements. This study will cover a period of 6 years from 2017 to 2023 in West African countries and will focus on the concepts of «migration management» and «international cooperation». 1 it's about men, women and children Журнал «Трибуна ученого» Выпуск 03/2024 https://tribune-scientists.ru 2 The internationalization of European migration policies, combined with the receptiveness of West African states, has led to a reconfiguration of the management of West African migration. West African states, has led to a reconfiguration of West African migration management. As a result of inter-regional dialogues between Europeans and West Africans, there has been a migration issues in West Africa (Section I). The ongoing evaluation of policies carried out within this framework has undermined the free movement of people within the ECOWAS area, hence the limits of this cooperation (Section II). Section I: Securing the migration issue Securing the migration issue in West Africa is the manifestation of the reconfiguration of migration management according to the priorities of the European Union. The European immigration and asylum policy has gradually experienced a communautarisation and then security before the European Summit in Seville in 2002. The idea of outsourcing the management and control of migration flows in the country of origin and transit of migrants. Thanks to the collaboration of the West African States, the EU and its Member States will implement specific upstream and downstream measures flows in order to maintain remote control (Zolberg uses the term “control")2 on migration management. These measures will be modeled on the method’s European institutions for the control, management and regulation of irregular migration flows. We are witnessing a trans nationalization of security practices. In exchange for significant funding, ECOWAS and its Member States will modify their legislation (visa, entry, readmission, mobility, fight against illegal immigration) and their policies to align with the security policy of the European Union. Nelly Robin notes that they thus form "a first protective curtain, a first filtering line 2 Zoberg A., "the archaeology of "remote control"", in a. fahrmeir, o. faron and p. weil (eds), migration control in the north atlantic world. the evolution of state practices in europe and the united states from the French revolution to the inter- war period, new york (N.Y.), berghahn books, 2003. robin N., "ECOWAS is an area of free movement, advanced border crossing of the schengen area"', in regional west African migration games, African and European perspectives, OECD, paris, 2009. Журнал «Трибуна ученого» Выпуск 03/2024 https://tribune-scientists.ru 3 migration to the EU". From which she concludes that "ECOWAS is a space of free movement, advanced border crossing of the Schengen Area ". The securing of the migration issue in West Africa follows two trends. On the one hand, the ECOWAS and its member states are changing their migration policy agenda even if it means redevelop the legal framework for migration in the region. On the other side, the EU is deploying significant resources to assist these States in the development of a framework institutional in line with the new orientations of migration management. Section II: The limits of securing the migration issue The problem with securing the migration issue in West Africa is that it is a political response that does not properly problematize the issue of migration in the region. The solutions advocated cannot take care of all the stakes of the question with an approach like that. They are partial answers to specific problems of west African migrations but are unlikely to improve the migration system of the region which continues its secular communitarization. This is how the security of the stake migration has created a significant gap between the issues addressed by the authorities in charge of migration management and the real challenges of West African migration. The solutions recommended with the security of the migration issue do not correspond to reality; they do not take into account historical, cultural, ideological, political or economic factors that have structured West African migration for decades, before the arrival of globalization. However, Jacques Chevallier clearly recalls the risk that runs a new policy if the innovations it brings do not take into account the multiple constraints that there are on the ground. "The implementation is likely to collide, no only to the ill will of the services that are responsible for applying it, but still to social resistance: the oppositions, ignored or underestimated at the time of the COOPERATION BETWEEN ECOWAS AND THE EUROPEAN UNION IN THE FIELD OF MIGRATION. Definition of the policy will resurface at the level of its implementation; the lack of consensus or a false consensus in the elaboration phase will compromise the concrete application. » Журнал «Трибуна ученого» Выпуск 03/2024 https://tribune-scientists.ru 4 This means that in West Africa, the neglect of the other dimensions of the migration issue has been a factor in the failure of policies to secure the migration issue. Worse, the oppositions to the security policy that have been ignored or underestimated at the during the development of it have resurfaced by finding new answers to the policies implemented at the risk of making the migration system even more complex. - African. These are the perverse effects of securing the migration issue. From this emerges the observation that the policies to secure West African migration have not been able to achieve the goals they set for themselves. References: 1. Claudia Charles, Pascaline Chappart The EU takes the African borders for its own 2. Mohamadou Fadel Diop, la cooperation entre la cedeao et l'union europeenne en matiere de migration. Pan African University, Institute of Governance, Human and Social Sciences. Political Science Thesis, 2017. [Electronic resource] // Access to: URL: https://univ-evry.hal.science/tel-04205116v1 (date of the application: 05.03.2024) 3. Migration data portal: Migration data in West. [Electronic resource] // Access to: URL: Africawww.migrationdataportal.org/fr/regional-data-overview/western- africa (date of the application: 05.03.2024) Журнал «Трибуна ученого» Выпуск 03/2024 https://tribune-scientists.ru 5