- ТРИБУНА УЧЁНОГО электронный научно-практический журнал
Статья опубликована в журнале за "Май 2020"
Автор(ы) статьи: Караматдинова А.Д.
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УДК 070 Караматдинова Айжамал Дженгис кизи студент, Факультет международной журналистики, Узбекский государственный университет мировых языков Ташкент, Узбекистан e-mail: nargizabaltabaeva98@mail.ru ИНТЕРВЬЮ В ЖУРНАЛИСТИКЕ Аннотация: В этой статье обсуждается интервью и его роль в журналистике. Сравнивая научную литературу и идеи в ней друг с другом, автор сделал четкие комментарии. Ключевые слова: тип интервью, интервью, событие, аналитическое интервью, портретное интервью, оперативное интервью, информационное интервью, беседа. Karamatdinova Ayjamal Jengis kizi student Faculty of international journalism, Uzbek State university of world languages Tashkent, Uzbekistan INTERVIEWING IN JOURNALISM Abstract: This article discusses the interview and its role in journalism. By comparing the scientific literature and the ideas in it with each other, the author has made clear comments. Key words: type of interview, interview, event, analytical interview, portrait interview, prompt interview, information interview, conversation. Interviewing is the contact between the interviewer and the respondent, which takes the form of a conversation. In sociological science, three types of interview are distinguished: formalized, focused, and free. The first type of interview is the most common in sociology. In formalized interviews, the basis is a well-regulated questionnaire, which clearly sets out questions and a sequence of questions, and a developed instruction, on the basis of which the interviewer acts when conducting the interview. Журнал «Трибуна ученого» Выпуск 05/2020 https://tribune-scientists.ru 1 The next type, a focused interview, aims to collect opinions and evaluative judgments on a particular phenomenon and its causes. This type of interview assumes that the respondent has a prior knowledge of the subject matter of the interview. Unlike formal interviews, the interviewer can change the order of questions during the interview. However, all questions on the questionnaire should be answered by the interviewer. A free interview, in turn, is conducted without a standardized questionnaire or interview plan. This type of interview only involves determining the topic of the interview. The main disadvantage of the interview method is that it is not fast enough and time-consuming. Interviews as a method cannot be used in mass short-term surveys. In journalism, interviewing is a genre whose main purpose is to determine people's opinions about certain cases, natural phenomena, or trends in society. Such an opinion can be obtained both from a certain person and from the collective. Protocol interview. As a rule, it is information about an event related to a political or public figure. The journalist starts preparing for the interview well before the interviewee is interviewed. He or she studies the topic of the future conversation in detail and draws up a list of questions to be asked. The journalist may also ask clarifying or additional questions during the interview. At such moments, it is important to make sure that the topic of the conversation is not lost, so as not to move aside. Here the journalist's training, knowledge of the main problems and the subject of the conversation are very important. The events, phenomena or processes analyzed are one of the main features of an analytical interview. Hence, the most relevant questions for the respondent will be: how, why, how and for what reason, which will most accurately reflect his or her attitude to a particular event. The next type of interview is portrait interviews. Its purpose is to create a vivid emotional and psychological image of the interviewer. The main emphasis here is on the personality traits that make it stand out from the rest. The questions are exclusively personal in nature. In a portrait interview, the journalist is a full-fledged interlocutor, but must observe a special tact and be careful when asking a question. There are several Журнал «Трибуна ученого» Выпуск 05/2020 https://tribune-scientists.ru 2 signs by which a portrait interview can be determined. First, the interviewer's opinion about an event is always expressed in the conversation. Secondly, it should be a conversation (then the number of respondents is not so important), and thirdly, the interview can take any journalistic form, be it informational, analytical or artistic- publicistic genre. In addition to the genre, the style of conducting the interview can be considered as a generic component of the interview. There are two main styles of interviewing - "soft" and "hard". In the first case, the interview implies calm and polite communication between the journalist and the respondent. The comments and contradictions in the interviewer's answers are specified in a delicate form, most often with an apology (for example, "I am sorry, but I think..."). In a "hard" style, the journalist can ask embarrassing and suggestive questions, catch on contradictions or exert some psychological pressure. This type of interview is used to identify emotionally closed areas in the respondent's life that are related to the threat of his or her own self. Analysis of the composition of the word "interview" itself reveals that it consists of the prefix inter, which means the meaning of interaction or mutual orientation, and the basis of view, which means a view or opinion. Thus, despite the variety of species, it is clear that any interview is based on the exchange of views, information and facts between people. Bibliography: 1. Belanovsky S.A. Interview. Moscow: Nikolo-Media, 2009. 2. Grigoryan M.V. Journalism manual. Moscow: Human Rights, 2007. 3. V. Fundamentals of journalism. Rostov-on-Don: March, 2005. 4. Korkonosenko SG Fundamentals of Journalism. Moscow: Aspekt-Press, 2007. Журнал «Трибуна ученого» Выпуск 05/2020 https://tribune-scientists.ru 3