- ТРИБУНА УЧЁНОГО электронный научно-практический журнал
Статья опубликована в журнале за "Декабрь 2024"
Автор(ы) статьи: Камаев А.
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УДК 81'25:159.9 Камаев Алишер студент магистратуры Казахский университет международных отношений и мировых языков имени Абылай хана Казахстан, г. Алматы e-mail: kamaevaliser23@gmail.com ВЛИЯНИЕ БИЛИНГВИЗМА НА ПЕРЕВОД: ПСИХОЛОГИЯ ПЕРЕВОДА У ДВУХЯЗЫЧНЫХ ПЕРЕВОДЧИКОВ Аннотация: Данная статья посвящена исследованию влияния билингвизма на процесс перевода и психологии двуязычных переводчиков. Билингвизм предоставляет переводчикам когнитивные преимущества, такие как гибкость мышления, улучшенная рабочая память и способность быстрее переключаться между языковыми системами. Однако билингвизм также создает вызовы, связанные с интерференцией языков, когда одна языковая система может непроизвольно влиять на другую. Важным аспектом является межкультурная чувствительность, так как двуязычные переводчики имеют лучшее понимание культурных контекстов обеих языковых систем, что позволяет им более точно передавать смысл и эмоциональную окраску текста. Ключевые слова: билингвизм, двухязычный перевод, перевод, межкультурная чувствительность. Kamaev Alisher master student Kazakh University of International Relations and World Languages named after Ablai Khan Kazakhstan, Almaty THE INFLUENCE OF BILINGUISM ON TRANSLATION: TRANSLATION PSYCHOLOGY OF BILINGUAL TRANSLATORS Abstract: This article is devoted to the study of the influence of bilingualism on the translation process and the psychology of bilingual translators. Bilingualism provides translators with cognitive advantages such as flexibility of thinking, improved working memory, and the ability to switch between language systems faster. However, bilingualism also creates challenges associated with language interference, when one language system can involuntarily influence another. An important aspect is intercultural sensitivity, since bilingual translators have a better understanding of the cultural contexts of both language systems, which allows them to more accurately convey the meaning and emotional coloring of the text. 1 Журнал «Трибуна ученого» Выпуск 12/2024 https://tribune-scientists.ru INTRODUCTION Key words: bilingualism, bilingual translation, translation, intercultural sensitivity. The phenomenon of bilingualism plays a crucial role in shaping cognitive processes, especially in the context of translation. Bilingual translators face unique challenges and advantages when switching between two linguistic systems. The psychology of translation for bilingual individuals is a dynamic field, as these translators manage two distinct languages, often simultaneously. Understanding how bilingualism affects translation can shed light on cognitive strategies, mental load, and the impact of linguistic interference, ultimately improving translation practices and training. By focusing on the psychology of bilingual translators, this study contributes to both translation theory and bilingualism studies, offering valuable insights into how these translators handle two languages in professional contexts. Relevance of work. The study of bilingualism and its influence on translation is highly relevant in today's globalized world, where the demand for accurate and effective translation is growing rapidly. Bilingual translators play a critical role in bridging communication gaps across different cultures and languages, making their cognitive and psychological processes a key area of interest. Bilingualism involves complex cognitive mechanisms, such as managing two linguistic systems, code-switching, and dealing with cross-linguistic interference, all of which can impact translation performance. Understanding these processes is crucial for enhancing the quality of translations and for training translators to navigate the cognitive demands of their work more effectively. This research is also relevant to the psychology of translation, a relatively underexplored area that deals with how bilingual translators use their cognitive resources when translating between languages. By examining the mental strategies and psychological effects that come with being bilingual, this study contributes to a deeper understanding of how bilingualism can affect translation quality. Insights from this work will not only benefit translation studies but will also Журнал «Трибуна ученого» Выпуск 12/2024 https://tribune-scientists.ru 2 have practical applications in the training of bilingual translators, helping them to mitigate common challenges and leverage their linguistic skills more efficiently. The object of this study is bilingualism and its effect on cognitive and psychological processes in the context of professional translation. The subject of this study is the cognitive mechanisms bilingual translators use when translating texts, focusing on the psychological strategies, advantages, and challenges they experience due to their bilingualism. The purpose of this study is to explore and analyze how bilingualism impacts the translation process, identifying the cognitive and psychological effects that influence translation accuracy, speed, and quality. The study aims to enhance understanding of bilingual translators’ work and provide recommendations for improving their professional skills. Language is a human-specific mechanism. Language ability has allowed us to transmit knowledge and develop as a species. According to Chomsky, one of the most famous linguists today, who created a theory of language that demonstrated a revolution in this field of education, said that man has an innate ability to master a language. Thus, children have the ability to accept external stimuli, creating them to form their own thoughts in order to recognize similar sounds which together form words and phrases that allow them to easily express thoughts and feelings over the years. Some children, on the other hand, develop bilingualism from an early age. Bilingualism - perfect knowledge of 2 languages or a particular literary language and its dialect. It occurs for social demand or for some reason [1]. Its natural formation is also due to the fact that two or more peoples live in the same state. A bilingual human brain has several significant advantages. Some of them are even visible: gray matter has a higher density. In addition, the use of a second tongue increases the activation of certain areas of the brain. You can call it brainwashing. Historical and cultural factors have contributed the most to the emergence of bilingualism. In particular, factors related to the opening of new borders between countries, for example: Журнал «Трибуна ученого» Выпуск 12/2024 https://tribune-scientists.ru 3 - Territorial expansion of certain nations and cultures. It was so in Latin that its proliferation dramatically increased the number of bilingual speakers of this millennial language. - Political association by consensus in order to facilitate lingua franca communication. For example, English has risen to the level of academic excellence. - The post-colonial situation also contributed to the colonizers forcing their language on the conquered villages, which should not have mastered their mother tongue. -Immigration. People who have moved to another country must learn the anguage of their place of residence. -Cosmopolitanism has led to an increase in bilingual intermediaries or traders. The problem of studying bilingualism in a modern multicultural society has been especially relevant in recent years. The activity of speech is a means of expression and self-assertion of each people, a means of expressing the national spirit of the people, its national identity. Bilingualism makes it possible to overcome national barriers, allows verbal communication between all members of a multiethnic society who speak different languages. Very often the meaning of the word "bilingualism" is equated with the meaning of the word "bilingualism", i.e. these two words are often used as concepts with a synonymous meaning. As for the interpretations of the meaning of these terms, we can find a large number of them in various sources. One of the definitions, for example, says that bilingualism is the knowledge of two languages, and both of these languages are indeed used for the purpose of communication quite often [1]. For example, U. Weinreich defines bilingualism as the practical use of two languages alternately [2]. A. D. Schweitzer specifies that the first language is considered to be the native language, and the second is a non-native language, which is widely used by a particular national community. The level of proficiency in two languages may not be the same, there may be differences in the level of proficiency in the use of the language in oral and written communication, that is, a person may have a better command of one Журнал «Трибуна ученого» Выпуск 12/2024 https://tribune-scientists.ru 4 of these forms, and the other much worse [3]. In another interpretation, bilingualism is defined as the knowledge of two different languages or dialectal forms of one language at a level that is sufficient for communication and is considered from the point of view of psychological and social approaches. A group of people and a real person can speak two languages. If we consider the meaning of the concept of "bilingualism" in a narrow sense, then we can say that it is equivalent to mastering a bilingual language, and in a broad sense, the level of proficiency in a second language is relative and implies the ability to use it in specific communicative situations. You have multilingualism and teachers' attention to various phenomena in multilingual speakers and the development of knowledge about how they use their linguistic consensus, for example, the interlocutors participating in your address, and then the theme and social context of your address. The present paper aims to focus on two representative multilingual phenomena, namely code-switching and translanguaging. Each phenomenon will be defined based on existing literature and their potential functions in multilingual classroom research will be highlighted and discussed. Code-switching is a bilingual-mode activity in which more than one language, typically speakers’ native language and second language (L2), are used intrasententially or intersententially. Code-switching has not been welcomed in traditional L2 classrooms where the students’ target language and native language are clearly divided, and the target language has to be the ‘official’ language in the classroom. Such a tendency may have been due to the general belief that switching to an alternate language is the result of having incomplete knowledge of the language in which the utterance was initiated The psychological approach to bilingualism, in contrast to the linguistic one, which investigates linguistic phenomena associated with bilingualism, shows the features of the psychological mechanisms of the formation of bilingual speech. The study of bilingualism from a psychological point of view makes it possible to understand the relative characteristics of linguistic categories, concepts existing in the linguistic consciousness of bilinguals; features of memorization, comprehension, comprehension, perception by bilinguals of concepts and categories, characteristic features and features that differ in the second language and are absent in Журнал «Трибуна ученого» Выпуск 12/2024 https://tribune-scientists.ru 5 their linguistic consciousness as native speakers of the first language [2]. The phenomenon of bilingualism in psychology has a wide range of problematic issues, for example, the relationship between the problems of bilingualism in psycholinguistics and methods of learning a non-native language; motivational conditions for the formation of bilingualism; foreign language abilities as a psychological prerequisite for the formation of bilingualism; mutual influence of speech development in the native and second languages, etc. [1]. In the works devoted to the psychology of personality formation in the conditions of bilingualism, such scientists as I. A. Zimnyaya, N. V. Imedadze, T. M. Savelyeva, A. I. Yatsikevichus, B. A. Benediktov, Z. M. Khizroeva, E. M. Vereshchagin and others, the features of the formation of bilingualism, the main motivational foundations and psychological mechanisms of mastering a second language are studied. The tudy of bilingualism in psychology includes the study of both mechanisms of production, and speech perception. For example, I. A. Zimnyaya, studying the problems of the formation of bilingualism, believes that when organizing an educational language strategy, it is necessary to take into account four generally accepted fundamentally important characteristics of language. One of them considers language as a socio-historical result that reflects history, relations in society, culture, customs, traditions of a certain Ethnos. The next characteristic feature is the originality of reflection in the language in the process of communication of the surrounding reality. In the third characteristic, language appears as a form of manifestation of consciousness. The fourth characteristic is based on the fact that Language is the main way of communication. Data сharacteristics do not depend on the specific language system and they must be considered in relation to the native and non-native languages [3]. Types of bilingualism or bilingualism in psychological terms are analyzed in various aspects. For example, N. V. Imedadze in research distinguishes the following types of bilingualism: dominant – balanced bilingualism, this typology it is based on the quantitative ratio of two language systems; and combined or mixed – coordinated or coordinate bilingualism, at the heart of these types of bilingualism – degree of use two languages autonomously [6]. According to the correlation of speech in each of the languages with thinking the direct and indirect nature of the connection is distinguished Журнал «Трибуна ученого» Выпуск 12/2024 https://tribune-scientists.ru 6 and, accordingly, we are talking about the expression of thought, the reality of thought and discursive-logical speech skills [5] Let's try to understand what a bilingual personality is from the point of view of Psychology. In modern psychological and psycholinguistic sources personality is defined as a complex of certain properties and qualities of a person, the uniqueness of his character, temperament, socio-cultural experience, knowledge, behavior, his attitude to the world around him, to the people around him, to himself. Since individual bilingualism can affect the mental organization of the personality bilingualism, manifested in his social interaction and activities, the principles of the formation of bilingualism should be supplemented by the principles of influence bilingualism for the development of mental structure bilingual personality [4]. Consequently, the phenomenon of bilingualism in psychology is inextricably linked with the problem of forming a bilingual personality that owns and uses two languages – the native and the second non-native – are equally fluent. Fluency in languages is based on the acquisition of the linguistic picture of the world of the peoples speaking in different languages, when a bilingual learns linguistic means, together with material and the spiritual culture of the bearer peoples of these languages. The most important for the formation of a bilingual personality is mastery of speech activity and the ability to communicate in all spheres of life in two languages, as well as the development of bilingual consciousness two pictures of the world, which will contribute to the entry of a bilingual into a new social and cultural reality. From a sychological point of view, the process of translation is characterized by the switching of a person's thinking from one language base to the basis of another language. And it follows that language translation should be considered not a special type of human speech activity, but a special thought process that is only based on speech activity, but does not form a special type of speech." I.V. Karpov, in his works, refers to the psychology of translation the study of the stages of translation, and 3.A. Pegacheva refers to the analysis of the semantic content of the sentence and the peculiarity of perception and understanding of foreign speech. There are especially great opportunities in revealing the psychological laws of translation 3. A. Pegacheva saw it in interpreting. "In oral translation, in particular in simultaneous interpretation," Журнал «Трибуна ученого» Выпуск 12/2024 https://tribune-scientists.ru 7 wrote 3.A. Pegacheva, "the interpreter faces many purely psychological difficulties. The main ones are as follows: 1) simultaneous listening and speaking, 2) switching from the system of one language to the system of another, 3) the possibility of only one perception, 4) limited possibilities of short memory. 5) various interferences of perception (tempo; listening comprehension of speech built according to the laws of written speech; illogicality of the speaker's speech, etc.). Naturally, the skill of translation can be formed successfully and in the shortest possible time only if it is gradually and consistently involved and then difficulties are eliminated. At each stage of training, the student should be given the task of overcoming one difficulty with the possible elimination of all others. This part of the work is devoted to an experimental study aimed at identifying the features of translation in bilinguals, with an emphasis on psychological and cognitive aspects. The experiment helped to understand how bilingualism affects the process of translating complex texts, including fiction, where the preservation of style, emotional tone and cultural context is important. The study involved 2 groups of translators .1) Bilinguals - 5 people (fluent in two languages (Russian and English), monolinguals - 5 people (whose main working language is only Russian, and they studied English as a second language). The participants of the experiment were offered two excerpts from fiction (five sentences each) and a text from the news feed. 20 minutes were given for each text. Excerpt 1: from the novel "The Great Gatsby" (F. Scott Fitzgerald): "In his blue gardens men and girls came and went like moths among the whisperings and the champagne and the stars. At high tide in the afternoon I watched his guests diving from the tower of his raft, or taking the sun on the hot sand of his beach while his two motor-boats slit the waters of the Sound, drawing aquaplanes over cataracts of foam. On week-ends his Rolls-Royce became an omnibus, bearing parties to and from the city, between nine in the morning and long past midnight, while his station wagon scampered like a brisk yellow bug to meet all trains. Text 2: News material (BBC News): "Climate change is accelerating, with global temperatures reaching record highs this year. According to the latest report from the UN, extreme Журнал «Трибуна ученого» Выпуск 12/2024 https://tribune-scientists.ru 8 weather events such as hurricanes, floods, and heatwaves have doubled in frequency over the past two decades. In response, world leaders are urging immediate action to curb carbon emissions. However, debates on the implementation of renewable energy policies continue to stall progress in many countries. The report emphasizes the urgent need for global cooperation to combat the worsening crisis." And now let's see how bilinguals and monolinguals translated these texts: 1) "В его голубых садах мужчины и девушки приходили и уходили, как мотыльки среди шепотов, шампанского и звезд. В разгар дня я наблюдал, как его гости прыгали с башни его плотика, или загорали на горячем песке его пляжа, пока его две моторные лодки разрезали воды Залива, прокачивая аквапланы через водопады пены. По выходным его Роллс-Ройс превращался в автобус, перевозя компании туда и обратно в город, с девяти утра до поздней ночи, а его универсал мчался как энергичный желтый жук, встречая поезда. По понедельникам восемь слуг, включая дополнительного садовника, трудились целый день с мопами и щетками, восстанавливая разрушения ночи. Каждый пятницу поступало пять ящиков апельсинов и лимонов от фруктовода из Нью-Йорка — каждый понедельник эти самые апельсины и лимоны покидали его заднюю дверь в пирамиде очищенных половинок." 2) "Изменения климата ускоряются, с глобальными температурами, которые достигли рекордов в этом году. Согласно последнему докладу ООН, экстремальные погодные явления, такие как ураганы, наводнения и тепловые волны, удвоились по частоте за последние два десятилетия. В ответ мировые лидеры призывают к немедленным действиям для сокращения выбросов углерода. Однако дебаты о внедрении политики в области возобновляемых источников энергии продолжают замедлять прогресс во многих странах. Доклад подчеркивает срочную необходимость глобального сотрудничества для борьбы с ухудшающимся кризисом." Translation of monolinguals; "В его голубых садах мужчины и девушки приходили и уходили, как мотыльки среди шепота и шампанского и звезд. В разгар дня я смотрел, как его гости прыгали с башни его плота, или загорали на горячем песке его пляжа, пока его две моторные лодки разрезали воды залива, 9 Журнал «Трибуна ученого» Выпуск 12/2024 https://tribune-scientists.ru проводя аквапланы через водопады пены. По выходным его Роллс-Ройс становился автобусом, который возил группы туда и обратно в город, с девяти утра и до глубокой ночи, а его универсал прыгал как энергичный желтый жук, чтобы встречать все поезда. И по понедельникам восемь слуг, включая дополнительного садовника, работали целый день с швабрами и щетками, восстанавливая разрушения ночи. Каждый пятницу привозили пять ящиков апельсинов и лимонов из Нью-Йорка, а в понедельник те же апельсины и лимоны уходили с задней двери в пирамиде безмолвных половинок. "2) "Изменение климата усиливается, с глобальными температурами, достигшими рекордов в этом году. Согласно последнему отчету ООН, экстремальные погодные явления, такие как ураганы, наводнения и тепловые волны, удвоились по частоте за последние два десятилетия. В ответ мировые лидеры призывают к немедленным действиям по сокращению выбросов углерода. Однако дебаты по внедрению политики в области возобновляемых источников энергии продолжают тормозить прогресс во многих странах. Отчет подчеркивает срочную необходимость глобального сотрудничества для борьбы с усугубляющимся кризисом." As you can see, there are no huge differences in the translation of texts, but there is one nuance, when translating literary texts, bilinguals mainly use adaptive translation methods, which allow them to preserve the emotional richness and atmosphere of the original. In an excerpt from "The Great Gatsby", metaphors were adapted, such as like "whisperings and the champagne and the stars", which made it possible to convey the atmosphere of luxury and celebration, although there were difficulties with the accurate transfer of all the nuances. To translate the news text, bilinguals used the method of tracing, which ensured accuracy in the transmission of terms. In some cases, however, adaptation was required to fit cultural and political sensitivities. For example, the phrase "carbon emissions" was translated as "carbon emissions", which is a standard term, but due to the breadth of context, some words, such as "renewable energy policies", required further clarification. The time spent on the translation was 12-15 minutes, which made it possible to slightly improve the final version of the text. Monlinguals are more likely to use literal translation, which leads to a decrease in the Журнал «Трибуна ученого» Выпуск 12/2024 https://tribune-scientists.ru 10 emotional saturation of the text. For monolinguals, long complex sentences are very difficult to translate, and this is on their perception. They translated the news text using a word-for-word approach, which did not always maintain the correct stylistic form. As a result, several terms, such as "carbon emissions", were translated directly as "carbon emissions", which could be somewhat limiting given the context. Bilinguals felt more confident in translating literary texts, since their ability to adapt made it possible to maintain the emotional expressiveness of the text. When translating news texts, they felt less psychological stress, since the main task was not emotional involvement, but the accuracy of conveying information. Monolinguals felt psychological pressure due to the complexity of literary passages, losing the thread of the narrative and finding it difficult to convey stylistic elements. They also felt limited due to insufficient vocabulary or lack of equivalents in the target language. All this caused them a sense of uncertainty and stress, especially when working with a news text, as they faced difficulties in translating technical terms. Based n these experiments, we have identified significant differences in the approaches and results of translation between bilinguals and monolinguals. Bilinguals have demonstrated the ability to flexibly adapt the translation depending on the style of the text. This became evident when working with literary texts, where they were able to preserve the emotional saturation and partially convey the cultural characteristics of the original. Monolinguals most often relied on literal translation. This led to a loss of stylistic expressiveness, especially in literary texts. However, their approach proved effective for news stories where maximum accuracy was required. Based on these data, I recommend that translators regularly train with texts of varying complexity and genre, pay attention to terms and metaphors. I also recommend using separate translation programs when translating to save time and minimize your mistakes. Thus, professional translators, regardless of their level of language proficiency, can significantly improve their skills if they take into account the psychological and cognitive aspects of the translation process. Список литературы: 11 Журнал «Трибуна ученого» Выпуск 12/2024 https://tribune-scientists.ru 1. Жеребило Т.В. Словарь лингвистических терминов. Назрань: Пилигрим, 2010. 486 с. 2. Вайнрайх У. Одноязычие и многоязычие // Новое в лингвистике: языковые контакты / под ред. В. Ю. Розенцвейга. М.: Прогресс, 1972. Вып. 6. С. 25–51. 3. Леонтьев А.А. 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