- ТРИБУНА УЧЁНОГО электронный научно-практический журнал
Статья опубликована в журнале за "Ноябрь 2021"
Автор(ы) статьи: Науменко И.В., Самсонова Е.В.
PDF файл статьиУДК 378.324 Naumenko Irina Valerievna student department of foreign languages Yelabuga Institute Kazan Federal University Russia, Elabuga e-mail: ira.0r@mail.ru Samsonova Ekaterina Vladimirovna student department of foreign languages Yelabuga Institute Kazan Federal University Russia, Elabuga FORMATION OF MOTIVATION FOR LISTENING AS A METHOD OF IMPROVING THE LEVEL OF ENGLISH LANGUAGE SKILLS OF 9TH GRADE STUDENTS Abstract: The article is devoted to the problems of learning and the formation of motivation for listening of 9th grade students. In the modern school, more attention is paid to these problems than before. Keywords: listening, motivation, communicative competence, types of listening, communicative-oriented training. Speech activity is an active, purposeful, mediated by the language system and conditioned by the communication situation, the process of transmitting or receiving a message [8]. Activity is a system of creative skills that is aimed at solving various communicative tasks. The term "listening" was introduced into the literature by the American psychologist R. Brown as opposed to the term "listening". Brown and some other researchers proposed to designate by the term "listening" the process of perception and understanding of audible speech. Since this problem is poorly covered in the domestic and foreign scientific space, it would be advisable to assume that many methodologists and psychologists have considered in their works the problems associated with teaching the perception of Журнал «Трибуна ученого» Выпуск 11/2021 https://tribune-scientists.ru 1 foreign language speech by ear. These are L.M. Apatova, I.A. Bim, M.L. Weisburd, N.I. Gez, N.V. Elukhina, I.A. Zimnaya, T.V. Latareva, V.P. Natalin, E.I. Passov, N.N. Prusakov and many others. Among the foreign authors, D. Brown, J. Emer, J. Harmer should be mentioned, whose methods, despite their high efficiency, are unknown to most Russian teachers. L.M. Apatova and Z.A. Kochkina for the first time divorced the concepts of "listening" and "listening", pointing out that listening, in addition to listening to speech, also offers comprehension of what was heard. I.L. Bim identified the following types of listening: listening with a full understanding of what was heard and listening with an understanding of the main content [2]. N.I. Gez developed a system of teaching listening in classes with in-depth study of foreign languages [5]. N.V. Elukhina identified the main components of listening skills and proposed a system of exercises aimed at their development [7]. I.A. Zimnaya and N.I. Zhinkin identified the main mechanisms of listening psychologically and identified the factors contributing to the success of the perception of foreign language speech by ear. E.I. Passov proposed communicative-oriented training and justified its necessity. Listening, along with speaking, provides the opportunity to communicate in a foreign language. Since speech communication is a two-way process, the underestimation of listening, that is, the perception and understanding of speech by ear, can have an extremely negative impact on the language training of schoolchildren. Since it is often the lack of formation of auditory skills that is the cause of communication disorders. The statements of students that they sometimes do not understand the questions addressed to them, confirms the fact that the understanding of speech in a foreign language needs to be taught specifically. Listening skills are formed only in the process of listening to speech. At the same time, there is a need to understand speech of different tempo, different intonation and different levels of correctness. Any, even the most minimal, level of mastery of listening in a foreign language presupposes the formation of a number of operations that are fundamental for this type of speech activity: 1) identification of the sound stream; 2) perception of the meaning Журнал «Трибуна ученого» Выпуск 11/2021 https://tribune-scientists.ru 2 of the auditable units; 3) identification of significant information in the auditable text [8]. Depending on the specific learning tasks and on the basis of the completeness of the understanding of information, two types of listening are distinguished: listening with full understanding and listening with understanding of the main content of the text [1]. Despite the fact that the listening process can proceed without external manifestations, it is an active process that requires great intellectual effort. During listening, the listener performs complex perceptual-mnemonic activity and mental operations of analysis, synthesis, deduction, induction, comparison, opposition, abstraction, concretization, etc. In the modern methodology, listening can act as a goal and as a means of learning. In real school practice, these two functions are, of course, closely intertwined. Listening as a means of teaching provides students with familiarity with new language and speech material, acts as a means of forming skills and abilities in all other types of speech activity, contributes to maintaining the achieved level of speech proficiency, forms auditory skills proper. Listening is understood as the purpose of learning when students receive any information by means of listening. It can be a text, a film, etc. The success of listening is determined by both objective and subjective factors. Objective factors consist of the features of the presented text and the conditions in which its perception takes place. Subjective factors are determined by the peculiarities of the listener's psyche and the level of his training. When selecting a text for listening, its linguistic features, content characteristics and compositional features are taken into account. When assessing the mental characteristics of a student, first of all, his speech hearing, attention and memory, the ability to guess speech and probabilistic forecasting, the level of development of internal speech and motivation are taken into account. Teaching experience has shown that one of the urgent problems of teaching a foreign language at school is insufficient motivation to listen, since students perceive listening as an isolated type of speech activity, not seeing its close relationship with 3 Журнал «Трибуна ученого» Выпуск 11/2021 https://tribune-scientists.ru speaking, reading and writing. Observations of students during the audition showed that typical for many of them is a late inclusion in the listening process, as well as distraction during this process. They treat listening only as a learning activity, they do not see further ways to use the information they have listened to. The result of this is their low level of activity, which leads to insufficient effectiveness of listening training in general. Increasing motivation for listening as a type of speech activity is one of the most relevant topics of modern methods of teaching English, since speech communication is impossible without listening, since this is a two-way process. Underestimating listening skills can have an extremely negative impact on the language training of schoolchildren. Improving the effectiveness of listening training can have a positive impact on the effectiveness of foreign language teaching in general. High school students already have some listening experience, which means that they have formed elementary skills and abilities. It is they who have relatively stable cognitive interests, intentions and inclinations, which contributes to the effective organization of educational activities. To create motivation and the need for listening as learning new things about the language and the world, as an active participation in communication, it is important to choose the right audio texts. Too difficult texts can cause students to be disappointed, deprive them of faith in success. Too light audio texts are also undesirable. The absence of a moment of overcoming difficulties makes work uninteresting and unattractive, not to mention the fact that it cannot be a developing factor in the process of learning a foreign language. Of course, it is important to choose the right audio text topic from the point of view of the interests of schoolchildren of a particular age group. High school students, as studies by Estonian methodologists have shown [10], are interested in texts related to politics, technology, detectives. With great interest they listen to audio texts about love and friendship, about the life of the peoples of other countries. Students of the final grades show interest in texts related to the choice of profession. Recently, the methodology says that when teaching a foreign language, it is important to rely on the country-specific aspect. If listening texts include information Журнал «Трибуна ученого» Выпуск 11/2021 https://tribune-scientists.ru 4 about the country of the language being studied, about the life and customs of its people, about holidays and traditions, then they develop students' horizons, foster a sense of sympathy for other peoples. One of the effective means of creating motivation to learn a foreign language are texts dedicated to youth problems. These problems have always existed and have always occupied young people, including high school students. However, only recently they have been spoken about at the top of their voices, interesting radio and television programs, publications in the youth press are dedicated to them. There is a wider opportunity to discuss these problems with foreign peers in a foreign language using the international Internet. If the teacher includes audio texts in the lesson related to the problems of youth leisure, modern music, informal associations, problems of civic engagement and independence of young people in modern life, he can be sure that such audio texts will not only be met with great interest by students, but will also entail a lively discussion. Thus, if we summarize the data obtained during the analysis, we can draw the following conclusion: motivation is an important condition in the formation of listening. If the listener feels the need to listen, this leads to the maximum mobilization of his mental potential: speech hearing and even the sensitivity of sensory organs become more acute, attention becomes more focused, the intensity of thought processes increases. Список литературы: 1. Бим И.Л. и др. Аттестационные требования к владению иностранным языком учащимися к концу базового курса обучения. // ИЯШ. 1995. № 5. С. 2-8. 2. Бим И.Л. Каменецкая Н. П. О преподавании иностранных языков на современном этапе. // ИЯШ. 1995. № 3. С. 6-11. 3. Брюсова Н.Г. Контрольные и проверочные работы по английскому языку в 7 – 9 классах. М.: Дрофа, 2000. 189 с. 4. Введение в коммуникативную методику обучения английскому языку. OxfordUniversityPress, 1997. 49 с. 5 Журнал «Трибуна ученого» Выпуск 11/2021 https://tribune-scientists.ru 5. Гез Н.И. и др. Методика обучения иностранным языкам в средней школе. М.: Высш.школа, 1982. 373 с. 6. Димент А.Л. Jokes and funny stories. М.: Просвещение, 1993. 158 с. 7. 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