- ТРИБУНА УЧЁНОГО электронный научно-практический журнал
Статья опубликована в журнале за "Октябрь 2021"
Автор(ы) статьи: Sarenova G., Ayazbayeva А.М.
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UDC 81-13 Sarenova Gulnaz master student faculty of philology The L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University, Kazahstan, Nur-Sultan e-mail: gsarenova@gmail.com Ayazbayeva Aliya Maratovna candidate of philological sciences, associate professor The L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University, Kazahstan, Nur-Sultan WEB TECHNOLOGIES IN TEACHING WRITING Abstract: The article discusses the possibility of using the web technology «google classroom» in teaching writing in English in preparation for writing. Since writing is one of the most difficult types of speech activity on the path of language acquisition, there is a need to integrate modern teaching tools such as the google classroom service. This article contains examples of tasks for teaching writing. Thus, students are fully involved in the process of learning a foreign language, as this method allows you to individualize learning. Keywords: web technology, teaching writing, google classroom, foreign language, exercises. In the modern world, educational institutions are provided with a wide selection of educational and methodological kits for all ages and levels, both domestic and foreign authors. But one should be careful about the choice of teaching materials, because it must meet the requirements of the state educational standard. The main goal of teaching a foreign language to students of non-linguistic universities is the formation of communicative competence in a foreign language, which allows them to freely navigate in a foreign-language business environment. Foreign language communicative competence includes language proficiency in oral and written forms. Written professional communication presupposes, first of all, business correspondence with partners by e-mail. Ability to correctly conduct business correspondence in a foreign language. Журнал «Трибуна ученого» Выпуск 10/2021 https://tribune-scientists.ru 1 A.D. Amanbekov in his works paid great attention to the problem of teaching writing, since, in his opinion, students' written skills quite often lag behind the level of learning other types of speech activity, such as speaking, listening and reading [1, p. 201]. The scientist defined written speech as the purposeful and creative performance of thought in the written word. The modern period of the development of society is associated with the global influence of information technologies, penetrating into all spheres of human activity and ensuring the spread of large information flows. Today, the Kazakhstani education system is focused on entering the world information and educational space, which contributes to the introduction of adjustments in the educational process. Computerization of the process of teaching a foreign language makes it possible to facilitate access to the subject-information environment, offering a wide range of opportunities for assimilating and improving the knowledge, abilities and skills of students in various types of speech activity, including foreign language writing. Internet technologies are widely used in foreign language lessons for the development of speech activities. Using thematic web services in English lessons allows: - organize the search activity of students for the purpose of independent study of the material; - promptly carry out an interactive dialogue with teachers and peers. Competent introduction of information technologies, in particular “google classroom” technologies, into the educational process, significantly increases the level of communicative culture, activates the development of written foreign language speech among students. Internet testing is widely used as a means of controlling knowledge of a foreign language. Their main advantages are the ability to simulate test items based on a given algorithm, impartiality of assessment by the teacher, the ability to carry out operational self-control, individual choice of time and place of testing. The content of the test is determined by the teacher independently and is a set of tasks of different types and levels of difficulty. Журнал «Трибуна ученого» Выпуск 10/2021 https://tribune-scientists.ru 2 One of the founders of the Russian school of distance education A.K. Alimov emphasized that the materials offered in distance learning courses are electronic textbooks of a modular nature with their own specifics, so they should be developed not only by teachers and enthusiastic programmers, but by methodologists who know telecommunication technologies [2, p. 78]. Modern multimedia technologies make it possible to provide the user with text and audio material with the apparatus of exercises, which the teacher of the training center checks and sends to the student by e-mail. Some success in developing reading, listening, translating and writing skills can be achieved by offering highly structured and algorithmic exercise systems that a computer program can test: - choice of the correct word (answer, grammatical form) from several suggested; - substitution of words from the proposed list into gaps in the text (sentence); - substitution of words from the listened (viewed excerpt) into gaps in the text (sentence); - making up sentences from the proposed words or phrases; - drawing up a letter (or other written document) according to the proposed model [3, p. 56]. Assignments can also be reviewed by the instructor by e-mailing them and then sending them back to the student with the appropriate comment. Before starting work, it is necessary to identify indicative points that would increase the effectiveness of the developed lessons within the framework of this technology, as well as satisfy the requirements for a modern English lesson according to the State Standard. Among several platforms for services for the implementation of technologies, the choice was made in favor of Google Classroom due to its versatility, ease of use and compliance with all necessary requirements. Google classroom is a free service from Google, developed in 2014 for schools looking to simplify the learning process by creating, distributing and grading assignments online. It was created as another Google service that can be used for education, just like the already famous Gmail, Docs and Drive. But Google Classroom is ready to provide users with a one-stop solution for work - by combining fast Журнал «Трибуна ученого» Выпуск 10/2021 https://tribune-scientists.ru 3 integration with Google Drive, a user-friendly interface and new features that educators need. Initially, only school teachers could work with the service, since the service requested certain information for confirmation. This service has many advantages. List of main features of Google classroom: 1. Setting up the class. Each class has its own code that students can use to join the community. This process eliminates the need to create preliminary registries. 2. Organization. When students use Google classroom, a classroom folder is created on their Google Drive page with subfolders for each class they join. 3. Timing. When creating an assignment, the teacher specifies the due date for the work. When a student submits an assignment before the deadline, the status appears on the student's document, which allows teachers to sort. 4. Work / fix. Once the students have started their work, the teacher can provide feedback while the student is in the «viewing» status. When the work is returned to the student, the student switches back to the «edit» status and continues to work on the document. 5. Convenient overview. Both teachers and students can see all assignments on the home screen of the Google classroom. This allows you to control work in several classes at once. Google's learning services meet the principles of the modern education system. But upon a deeper consideration, in terms of use in e-learning, these services have a number of disadvantages: - all files are stored on a «foreign» server; - a relatively small number of elements that can be used in the educational process. Distance learning, based on Google services, will be simple to organize and operate, but the quality of such a system will be very different from Moodle and Efront. Google Services is an MS Office package integrated into a website. As a control, it is proposed to use a calendar or tables (analogous to MS Excel). Compared to the functionality of Moodle and its elements (test, lecture, assignment, etc.), Google services look limited, since they offer training based on presentations, text documents and calendars. Журнал «Трибуна ученого» Выпуск 10/2021 https://tribune-scientists.ru 4 Various topics of communication are accompanied by the necessary lexical and grammatical material, which must be gradually introduced into the «google classroom». Texts of interesting content, various strategies for teaching types of speech activity, communicative-situational personality-oriented tasks create conditions for motivated study of the subject [4, p. 112]. Productive speaking and writing skills are developed in accordance with the principles of a communicative approach. Much attention is paid to the development of sociolinguistic competence, including teaching the use of colloquial cliches in speech. On the other hand, it is worth noting that although you can add various tasks for the development of writing skills (writing a detective story, a description, a story, etc.), «google classroom» does not have a common base. Often, to prepare for the «letter» section, various additional educational aids are used, which are not always convenient to store if they are presented in the form of printouts, or the purchase of special training aids for the section is required, in which little attention is paid to practicing writing skills. However, the process of teaching writing in English can be organized simply, accessible and understandably using blended learning technologies. That is why, to prepare for writing assignments in the «writing» section, the authors suggest using the «writing» distance course based on the «Flipped Classroom» technology. This course was created on the basis of the EMC «New Matrix Upper-Intermediate», taking into account the topics and the studied material, and serves as an additional teaching tool. At the beginning of the practical research, the task was set - to test the technology «Flipped Classroom» and to conduct a comparative analysis of the assimilation of the material before passing the training module within the framework of the technology «Flipped Classroom» and after. For this purpose, the «Writing» course was created in the Google classroom service for grade 10 students in order to prepare for the assignments in the «writing» section. The developed course contains theoretical material on preparation for writing assignments from the «letter» section. Accordingly, the writing tutorial also contains two topics: letter and essay. The topic «letter» in the training module is devoted to writing a personal letter in a foreign language. In a basic difficulty assignment, you must write a personal letter to a foreign pen pal in response Журнал «Трибуна ученого» Выпуск 10/2021 https://tribune-scientists.ru 5 to his letter, an excerpt from which is given in the assignment. The required length of a personal letter is 100-140 words. This task is evaluated in terms of content, text organization, vocabulary and grammar. The topic «letter» contains 6 tasks for studying and consolidating theoretical material on writing a personal letter: Task 1. General information on writing a personal letter (writing a letter). The assignment is accompanied by a document with the criteria for evaluating a personal letter, as well as information on the possible number of words, the time allotted for this assignment and aspects that must be reflected in the assignment. To consolidate the theoretical material, you must complete the test in Google Forms. Task 2. The structure of a personal letter (letter structure). The assignment provides a detailed description of the structure of a personal letter, the sequence of elements, and also draws attention to the features of the letter design. A test in Google Forms is proposed for the theoretical material to consolidate the material. Task 3. Cliche (letter cliche). This task is aimed at assimilating the clichés on which most of the personal letter is built, various options are given for each aspect of the letter. Attached to the theory is a task to replenish your own bank of cliché phrases. Task 4. Questions (asking questions). One of the most important points in writing a letter is to correctly formulate questions to a foreign friend in accordance with the information indicated in the passage of the letter. Therefore, it is important to know how to ask questions correctly and what types of questions exist. To work out the theoretical material, a task was proposed in Google Sheets, where it is required to a) determine the type of question, b) convert the statement into a question using different types of questions. Task 5. Attention to detail (details). When writing a personal letter, it is important to remember about the stylistic punctuation features of the letter design: correctly place commas, use non-academic language and abbreviations, and also remember the acceptable boundaries in the number of words. The task contains a sample letter in which you need to find all these features-details. 6 Журнал «Трибуна ученого» Выпуск 10/2021 https://tribune-scientists.ru Task 6. Finding mistakes based on the material covered from past tasks, the student is invited to check someone else's letter for errors of a different plan: grammatical, lexical, punctuation and stylistic. Also, don't forget about the structure of the personal letter, the presence of cliches and the number of words. The topic «еssay» in the training module is devoted to writing an essay (opinion essay). In a high-level assignment, it is required to write a detailed statement with elements of reasoning on the proposed topic («Your opinion» or «For and against»). The required length is 200- 250 words. This assignment is assessed in terms of content, text organization, vocabulary, grammar, spelling and punctuation. For the full disclosure of the potential of this service and the prospects for its use, a number of guidelines were drawn up. 1. Before starting work in Google Classroom and inviting students to the course, you should first make sure that the content and means coincide with the goals and objectives specified in the standard, select possible variations in methods and means that could enhance the effect when working using technology Flipped Classroom. 2. Next, you need to analyze the level and educational needs of the student, and also take into account his age, psychological and individual characteristics. 3. Ensure comfortable use of the service, that is, provide step-by-step instructions for handling it, provide complete freedom to the student's personal information, as well as the freedom to complete assignments and view lectures at any time during the period specified by the teacher. 4. Make sure that each student has access to work on the service, as well as make sure that the level of computer literacy is sufficient to freely complete tasks. If the student does not have access to work on the service, he does not have access to the Internet or there is no device on which he could perform tasks, the teacher must compensate for the lack of this opportunity in any way possible. 5. It is necessary to build a clear sequence of stages for completing tasks, which will contribute to the development of writing skills in the student. 6. Each student should know the criteria for evaluating their work. The criteria should reflect not only the student's academic achievements, but also his ability to 7 Журнал «Трибуна ученого» Выпуск 10/2021 https://tribune-scientists.ru complete the assignment on time, offer multiple answers, or his activity in improving work on the platform. The advantage of using web services for teaching correspondence is that they simulate the process of written communication in an electronic environment [5, p. 56]. In traditional teaching of writing, students write letters to an impersonal addressee. By correspondence with real communication partners in the online environment, students get the opportunity to learn in conditions close to real communication. Google сlassroom has a free, convenient online service for teaching business writing. Convenient and easy to use, it provides access to a common bank of information, and also allows group members to exchange messages (letters) online. Methodology for using the online service Google Classroom for teaching business correspondence in a foreign language. When teaching business correspondence in a foreign language to students of non-language schools, it seems optimal to use written tests of different types as samples. Research A.K. Alimova showed that the use of sample texts, along with other supports, «allows you to form a speech in an effective way from the point of view of written communication». The process of teaching business writing based on a sample text should be divided into several stages, each of which will perform its own task [6]. The logic of the following stages is a movement from analytical to synthetic mental activity: «The typical scheme of work in teaching coherent productive written speech is as follows: from analyzing a sample text (with a gradual decrease in reliance on the sample) to creating an independent written message». Traditionally, when teaching a foreign language using a sample text, three stages are distinguished: preparatory, main and final. Consider the features of the stages in teaching business correspondence in a foreign language to students using online services. 1. The preparatory stage takes place in the classroom. The task of this stage is to study and analyze the sample text in the socio-cultural, structural and content-stylistic aspects. 8 Журнал «Трибуна ученого» Выпуск 10/2021 https://tribune-scientists.ru It seems important to start by identifying sociocultural differences between English and foreign language business letters, as well as between British and American business correspondence. As practice has shown, when teaching written speech, the principle of the dialogue of cultures should be the leading one. The study of the structure of a business letter is carried out using exercises such as dividing the text into logical parts, building paragraphs in the correct order, combining text passages with their conventional names, etc. In addition, work on the structure of a business letter is associated with the assimilation of cliché phrases by students. necessary for the organization of various structural components of the letter and the connection between them, as well as the formulas of written speech etiquette. The content-stylistic analysis of the letter involves identifying the differences between a business official letter and an informal friendly one. 2. The main stage of teaching business correspondence in a foreign language is carried out out-of-class using the Google Classroom web service. The task of this stage is to update the knowledge and skills acquired at the preparatory stage, in the process of online correspondence. For this, students are divided into pairs and assigned roles. One of them acts as the initiator of the correspondence, and the other reacts to the received letter. For example, the first student in a pair writes a request letter, and his pen-partner writes a response letter to this request. The instructor creates an assignment in Google Classroom indicating the roles of each student and attaches a file with cliché phrases that participants may need. In addition, he sets specific dates within which each student in a pair must complete their assignment and post a letter in the Google Docs service, with which the Google Classroom online service is integrated. The teacher creates a document, and all students in the group have access to editing it via the link. Each student can, at any time convenient for him, complete the assignment in the common online space. You can work on the file at the same time with partners and see what colleagues are doing right now. It should be noted that this type of work, such as posting your speech product online, where it is available for viewing by all members of the group, can cause certain Журнал «Трибуна ученого» Выпуск 10/2021 https://tribune-scientists.ru 9 feelings for students, especially for those who are highly sensitive to criticism and painfully perceive their mistakes [7]. However, the creation of only «greenhouse» learning situations will not be able to prepare students for real communication, since «the constant adaptation of conditions and means of teaching to the characteristics of students contradicts the realities they face in life». 3. The final stage is carried out both in the online service Google Classroom and in the classroom. Its task is to reflect, correct and evaluate the results obtained. After completing the assignment, each student should write in the comments whether the classmate's letter was clear, concise, or consistent with the business style of communication. The teacher checks and evaluates the work as students post their letters in the Google Classroom service. Pupils see the corrected errors and the grades received online. After checking all the works, the teacher summarizes the results in the classroom. Pupils also take stock of their work by analyzing the reasons for the difficulties they encountered during the assignment. Based on what has been written, we can conclude that the online service «Google Classroom» provides the following didactic opportunities for teaching business correspondence in a foreign language to students of non-linguistic universities: - the service simulates the process of business correspondence through the exchange of electronic messages, which means it is the optimal means of preparing students for real foreign language written communication; - correspondence with a specific, and not abstract, addressee motivates students to write meaningful letters, makes them take the task more responsibly; - the online service allows you to see in real time all the works posted in the service, which is convenient for both the teacher and the students. List of used literature: 1. Amanbekov A.D. Web Technologies in Teaching a Foreign Language: A Teacher's Guide. Almaty, 2013. 201 p. 10 Журнал «Трибуна ученого» Выпуск 10/2021 https://tribune-scientists.ru 2. Alimov A.K. Methods of teaching a foreign language. Almaty: Pedagogy. 2011. 78 p. 3. Vtorushina N. Yu. Letter and written speech in teaching a foreign language // Almanac of modern science and education. Tambov: Gramota, 2010. № 1 (32). 56 p. 4. Dumkin A.V. Theory and methodology of teaching a foreign language: Basic course of lectures. Part I. Ufa: BSPU Publishing House, 2008. 112 p. 5. Kashcheeva A.V. Modern approaches to teaching writing in a foreign language. Socio-economic phenomena and processes // Tambov, 2013. №. 6 (052). 62 p. 6. Kondakova M.L., Latypova E.V. Blended learning: leading educational technologies of our time. // «Bulletin of Education» [Electronic resource] URL: http://vestnikedu.ru/2013/05/smeshannoeobuchenie-vedushhie-obrazvatelnyie- tehnologiisovremennosti/#more-848. (access to 01.11.2021). 7. Kudryashova OV Competence approach to teaching written speech as a problem of theory and practice of teaching foreign languages // Bulletin of the South Ural State University. 2007. № 1. [Electronic resource] URL: https://cyberleninka.ru/article/v/kompetentnostnyypodhod-k- obucheniyu-pismennoy- rechi-kak-problema-teorii-i-praktikiobucheniya-inostrannym-yazykam (access to 01.11.2021). Журнал «Трибуна ученого» Выпуск 10/2021 https://tribune-scientists.ru 11