- ТРИБУНА УЧЁНОГО электронный научно-практический журнал
Статья опубликована в журнале за "Январь 2021"
Автор(ы) статьи: Saron М.А.
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Saron Mersha Ashagre PhD candidate Kabardino-Balkarian State University named after H.M. Berbekova Russia, Nalchik e-mail: srm19850103@gmail.com Scientific adviser: Borukaeva I. Kh. Professor Kabardino-Balkarian State University named after H.M. Berbekova Russia, Nalchik AWARENESS AND ATTENTION FOR CERVICAL CANCER PREVENTION AMONG FOREIGN FEMALE STUDENTS IN KABARDINO-BALKARIAN STATE UNIVERSITY Abstract: Cervical cancer is mainly caused by the human papilloma virus, which is transmitted sexually transmitted infection. Aims: The purpose of this study is to assess awareness, attention, and method for prevention of cervical cancer in the field of research. Material and methods: The source of the population was all foreign female students between the ages of 18 and 32.The sample size for the study was estimated using the proportion of one population with a confidence level of 95% (CI), Z (1- / 2) = 1.96), the expected proportion of poor awareness of 50% and an error of 5%.We excluded women under 18 from the study. Results: Age of the participants ranged from 18 to 32 years old, the majority respondents - 335 (84.8%), currently not married. According to the operational definition given in the Methods section, 270 (46.3%) of respondents had good awareness, that is, they scored less than the average (7.57 ± SD 6.61). At the same time, 125 (31.6%) respondents had good awareness, that is, they scored is greater than or equal to the mean. From all participants, only 15 (3.8%) of them had been screened for cervical cancer before research. According to the operational definition given in the methodology section, 103 (26.1%) of participants had a negative attention, while 280 (70.9%) of respondents had a positive attention. Keywords: awareness, attention, method, cervical cancer. Almost all sexually active people will have been infected with HPV at some point in their lives, and some may be repeatedly infected [7]. Cervical cancer is one of the most easily preventable forms of cancer in women. However, the lack of awareness about the disease and risk factors, understanding of illnesses, poor access to preventive services, accessibility of services and existing the health care system can influence the decision to screen for cervical cancer uterus [1, 6, and 7]. 1 Журнал «Трибуна ученого» Выпуск 01/2021 http://tribune-scientists.ru Several risk factors can increase the likelihood of developing cervical cancer. Women without any of these risk factors rarely develop cervical cancer. Although these risk factors can increase the chance of developing cervical cancer, many women with these risks do not develop the disease [2]. Thinking about risk factors helps you focus on those you can. Change or avoid (such as smoking or human papilloma virus infection), not the ones you can't (such as your age and family history). However less, it is still important to be aware of the risk factors that cannot be changed because it is even more important for women who have these factors to undergo regular screening tests for early detection of cervical cancer [2.3, 4] In Russia, the majority of patients with cervical cancer are found to have HPV 16 and / or 18 oncogenic genotypes [8]. As risk factors for the development of this pathology considered: early onset of sexual activity, frequent change of sexual partners, refusal of "barrier" type contraceptives, smoking, immune suppression, is being discussed the question of the impact of various sexually transmitted infections [9, 10] Aim of the study The purpose of this study is to assess awareness, attention and method of prevention of cervical cancer in the field of research. Results The three main continents of the study were Asia 270 (68.3%), Africa 110 (27.8%) and the remaining 15 (2.8%). Most of the respondents - 382 (96.7%) - were bachelors. According to the operational definition given in the Methods section, 270 (46.3%) of respondents had good awareness, that is, they scored less than the average (7.57 ± SD 6.61). At the same time, 125 (31.6%) respondents had good awareness, that is, they scored is greater than or equal to the mean. Less than half, 152 (38.5%) of the respondents believed that all women were at risk get cervical cancer, and 102 (25.8%) of them did not know which women were exposed to the risk of getting this disease. one hundred twenty- five (31.6%) participants have no idea had factors that increase the likelihood of developing cervical cancer, while 115 (29.1%) participants reported having multiple Журнал «Трибуна ученого» Выпуск 01/2021 http://tribune-scientists.ru 2 sexual partners is a risk factor for the disease. Similarly, over a quarter, 164 (41.5%) of participants confirmed that they had no information about the symptoms of cervical cancer. From all participants, only 15 (3.8%) of them had been screened for cervical cancer before research. All participants who were screened were those who intended to pass examination for the disease. Those who have been informed about the services but have not yet was screened for cervical cancer, indicated reasons such as not awareness where to get service 243 (61.5%), financial problems 54 (13.7%) and other reasons 98 (24.8%). Most 285 (72.2%) participants were not going to be screened for cervical cancer. While 110 (27.9%) participants reported that they intended to be screened for the disease at any health facility. Among of those who intended to undergo screening, almost all 98 (89.1%) participants indicated a reason, for which someone recommended this service to them before the survey. According to the operational definition given in the methodology section, 103 (26.1%) of participants had a negative attention, while 280 (70.9%) of respondents had a positive attention. 1 Risk factors indicated by respondents * Fre Percentage quency (%) Multiple sexual partners 70 17.7% 25 6.3% Begin sex before age 17 Having a weakened immune system 15 3.8% 12 3% Having a history of STIs 10 2.5% Use of birth control pills Smoking cigarette 8 2% Human papillomavirus infection 21 5.3% 11 2.8% Do not use a condom during sex Family history of cervical cancer 9 2.3% 214 54.2% I don’t know Журнал «Трибуна ученого» Выпуск 01/2021 http://tribune-scientists.ru 3 . . . 2 Signs and symptoms reported by respondents * Persistent pelvic pain 110 27.8% Abnormal vaginal bleeding 95 24.1% Abnormal vaginal discharge 82 20.8% Pain during sex 76 18.2% Other signs and symptoms 72 19.2% I don’t know 112 28.3% 3 Do you think that cervical cancer is possible prevent? Yes 237 61.7% No 147 38.3% How can this be prevented? * Sexual abstinence 30 7.6% Loyalty to a partner 37 9.4% Vaccination 72 18.2% Others 23 5.8% I don’t know 107 27.1% Only 34 (19%) study participants thought they needed information about cancer cervix because they thought they could have an illness at any time, while 56 (25%) of them did not know. Majority, 297 (75.2%) participants felt the benefits of regular medical examinations for their illness. one hundred eighty-four (46.5%) participants supported the idea that cervical cancer is not can lead to infertility if left untreated. 66 (16.7%) respondents have ever received information about cervical cancer from medical workers. Conclusion Журнал «Трибуна ученого» Выпуск 01/2021 http://tribune-scientists.ru 4 This study highlighted the importance of raising awareness, promoting an active search for medical information and experience in obtaining information about cervical cancer from any source. The received data also strongly indicate that women may need different strategies disseminating health information to increase awareness and attention towards prevention and control of cervical cancer. Finally, research is needed to fully understand the issues affecting women who have not had screening behavior for the prevention and control of cervical cancer. Reference: 1. Freddie B. Global Cancer Statistics 2018: GLOBOCAN estimates of incidence and mortality worldwide for 36 cancers in 185 countries // CA Cancer J. Clin. 2018. Vol. 68, Iss. 6. Pp. 394-424. 2. Garland SM., Hernandez-Avila M., Wheeler CM. et al. Quadrivalent vaccine against human papillomavirus to prevent an genital diseases // N Engl J Med. 2007. Vol. 356 (19). Pp. 1928-43. 3. Lehtinen M., Paavonen J., Wheeler CM. et al. 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