- ТРИБУНА УЧЁНОГО электронный научно-практический журнал
Статья опубликована в журнале за "Ноябрь 2020"
Автор(ы) статьи: Ботабаева А.Ж.
PDF файл статьиУДК 1751 Ботабаева Айгерім Жандарбекқызы студентка 1 курса магистратуры, филологический факультет Евразийский национальный университет, Казахстан, г. Нур-Султан e-mail: aigerim.00.98@mail.ru Научный руководитель: Кожаканова Мадина Тулеубековна доцент кафедры теории и практики иностранных языков Евразийский национальный университет, Казахстан, г. Нур-Султан ПОНЯТИЕ И СУЩНОСТЬ ВЕРБАЛЬНОЙ КОММУНИКАЦИИ Аннотация: Статья посвящена рассмотрению вербальной коммуникации: понятию и основным аспектам ее содержания. В статье приведены трактовки различных ученых в определении вербальной коммуникации, а также изучены такие важные составляющие вербальной коммуникации, как язык и речь. Ключевые слова: коммуникация, вербальная коммуникация, язык, деловое общение, речь, средства коммуникации, метаязык, диалог и монолог. Botabayeva Aigerim Zhandarbekkyzy 1st year master student philological faculty Eurasian National University, Kazakhstan, Nur-Sultan Scientific adviser: Kozhakanova Madina Tuleubekovna Associate Professor of the Department of Theory and Practice of Foreign Languages Eurasian National University, Kazakhstan, Nur-Sultan THE CONCEPT AND ESSENCE OF VERBAL COMMUNICATION Abstract: The article is devoted to the consideration of verbal communication: the concept and main aspects of its content. The article provides interpretations of various scientists in the definition of verbal communication, and also studies such important components of verbal communication as language and speech. Key words: oral speech, communication, verbal communication, business communication, metalanguage, dialogue and monologue. 1 Журнал «Трибуна ученого» Выпуск 11/2020 http://tribune-scientists.ru The communication is an action that occupies a lot of part of the life of every individual and understood as the system in which the interaction takes place, the process of the interaction and the methods of communication that allow to create, transmit, and receive a variety of information. Communication acts as interpersonal interaction, that develop as a result of joint activities of people. Thus, we can talk about communication as the organization of joint activities and the relationship of the people included in it. Today it is safe to say that interaction is impossible without communication. In 1969, James Simon D'Arcy, for the first time in France, focuses public attention on the need to recognize human rights to communication, including in this concept the possibility of providing both material and spiritual conditions for communication. The concept of communication is currently used in two meanings: 1) the way of communication, the connection of one place with another (for example, transport communications, underground communications); 2) communication, transfer of information from person to person; the specific form of their interaction in the process of life with the help of language and other signal forms of communication. The transmission of information is possible with the help of signs, sign systems. Verbal communication is a verbal interaction of the parties and is carried out using sign systems, the main one of which is language. Language as a sign system is the optimal means of expressing human thinking and a means of communication. The language system finds its realization in speech, i.e. language is constantly present in us in a state of possibility. The term "speech" has two meanings. Firstly, speech is one of the types of human communicative activity: the use of language to communicate with other people. In this sense, speech is a specific human activity, expressed either orally or in writing. Secondly, speech is called the result of activity, depending on the conditions and goals of communication (business speech, official speech, etc.) [1, p. 688]. The differences between speech and language are as follows. First, speech is specific, unique, relevant, unfolds in time, and is realized in space. Secondly, speech is Журнал «Трибуна ученого» Выпуск 11/2020 http://tribune-scientists.ru 2 active, unlike language, it is less conservative, more dynamic, mobile. Thirdly, speech reflects the experience of the speaking person, is conditioned by the context and situation, is variable, can be spontaneous and disordered. Each statement in the process of communication performs one or another function (establishing contact, attracting attention, transmitting information, etc.). The particular functions of specific utterances can be combined into more general ones, which are called the functions of speech. The following speech functions are usually distinguished: Communicative, or representative (representation -idea, submission, image), which is dominant; Appellative (appeal - exhortation, address, i.e influence), which is grammatically expressed mainly in the imperative mood and vocative form; Expressive - expression of expressiveness of speech; Phatic, i.e. contact setting. Affects the area of speech etiquette and is carried out through the exchange of ritual formulas; Metalanguage, i.e. the function of interpretation, when the speaker or listener needs to check whether they use the same code when communicating [2, p. 288]. So, the functions that speech performs in each specific communication situation determine the appearance of the utterance, primarily the selection of words and syntactic structures. We noted that the dominant function of speech is the communicative function, i.e. maintenance of the communication process. The communication process can be considered as the exchange of information between people, and its purpose is to consider awareness and understanding of the transmitted and received information. The information contained in speech is defined as a verbalized transmission of already obtained, meaningful and organized facts of objective reality. Consider the features of the main model of information transfer from the point of view of verbal communication. The source of information in verbal communication is the speaking or writing subject. The channel of information can be the voice Журнал «Трибуна ученого» Выпуск 11/2020 http://tribune-scientists.ru 3 apparatus of the creator of the message, as well as technical means of disseminating information. In the case of verbal communication, the code is the speech itself. At the same time, coding is defined as the translation of information into linguistic units, and decoding - as the opposite process of perception and understanding of the statement. The choice of the code when transmitting verbal communication, as a rule, occurs automatically. Typically, the code is the speaker's native language. However, the code can also be viewed as a means of encrypting a message. Interference and distortion is the next important element of the considered model of verbal communication. In this case, distortions can be caused by linguistic, extralinguistic and acoustical-pronunciation reasons or by the graphic appearance of the message in written speech. Linguistic distortions are associated with insufficient refinement of the phrase, excessive complexity of the message, incorrect syntactic design, etc. Extra-linguistic interference is due to the knowledge of the recipient of the message. Psychologists also notice that the protective mechanisms of the human psyche select the information that corresponds to the individual's predispositions and do not perceive that which contradicts the views and beliefs of the person. To give a message noise immunity, any information must have some degree of redundancy. Redundancy of information is a complete or partial repetition of a message that accompanies the receipt of new data and serves to check and correct our ideas. It is calculated that the redundancy should be from 50 to 95% of the stock of knowledge in the area under consideration [3, p. 720]. A very important characteristic of verbal information is value. The value is understood as new information obtained from the implementation of the information content contained in the linguistic sign. Moreover, the value of informative information is determined by its novelty and unexpectedness. Thus, we have briefly described the main features of the transmission of verbal information. However, in real communication, the purpose of the act of verbal communication is, as a rule, not the actual transfer of information, but some influence on the interlocutor. 4 Журнал «Трибуна ученого» Выпуск 11/2020 http://tribune-scientists.ru For this reason, there are three main types of communication results: 1. changes in the knowledge of the recipient; 2. changing the recipient's settings, i.e. a change in the relatively stable ideas of the individual; 3. change the posting of the message recipient. Forms of speech communication: depending on the direction of the speech flow, dialogic and monologue speech are distinguished during communication. Dialogue is a form of speech that consists of an exchange of statements - replicas, characterized by situationality (dependence on the speech situation), contextuality (conditioned by previous statements), and a low degree of organization. The main linguistic features of the dialogue include: the presence of repetitions in reacting replicas, syntactic incompleteness of replicas, expressiveness, an abundance of interrogative and motivating sentences. The following types of dialogue are distinguished: informative dialogue; prescriptive dialogue (contains a request, order, promise or refusal to perform the proposed action); dialogue-exchange of views (this is usually a dispute or discussion); dialogue with the aim of establishing or regulating interpersonal relationships; idle dialogue (this can be emotional communication or intellectual conversation). The purpose of verbalization is to support the unity of functional formations that arise in the process of business communication, to win people over to themselves, to encourage them to greater spiritual generosity. As a result of this, the development of the ability for eloquence, the use of normalized speech, is of great importance for the image of a manager. A special place in verbal communication is occupied by the identification and encouragement by a person of the potential capabilities of the interlocutor. The ability to speak kindly and beautifully has an attractive force and creates conditions for the emergence of relationships with people based on mutual sympathy, which is necessary for a favorable psychological atmosphere in the team. A prerequisite for successful communication is the ability to speak. The ability to speak, or the art of oratory, was taught in antiquity, when the ability to speak was 5 Журнал «Трибуна ученого» Выпуск 11/2020 http://tribune-scientists.ru mandatory for every educated person and testified to the level of thinking of the interlocutors. Listening is another prerequisite for successful verbal communication. Studies show that no more than 10% of people can listen to the interlocutor calmly and directed, to grasp the essence of what is being said. Here is an interesting example: a young man came to Socrates from afar, eager to master the art of eloquence. After talking with him for a few minutes, Socrates demanded double payment from him for teaching oratory. “Why,” the surprised student asked. "Because," the philosopher replied, "I will have to teach you not only to speak, but also to be silent and listen." [4, p. 354]. Lack of listening is the main cause of ineffective communication, and it is this that often leads to misunderstandings, mistakes and problems. Despite its seeming simplicity (some think that listening is just keeping quiet), listening is a complex process that requires significant psychological energy costs, certain skills and a general communicative culture. In the literature, there are two types of listening - non-reflective and reflective. Non-reflective listening is the ability to be attentively silent without interfering with the interlocutor's speech with your remarks. Listening of this type is especially useful when the interlocutor shows feelings such as anger or grief, is eager to express his point of view, wants to discuss painful issues. Answers in non-reflective listening should be kept to a minimum, such as “Yes”, “Well,” “Continue,” “Interesting,” etc. Reflective listening is the process of deciphering the meaning of messages. Reflective responses help to clarify the real meaning of messages, among which are clarification, paraphrasing, reflection of feelings and summarizing. There are rules for successful verbal communication. German philologist, researcher Gisbert Breunig identified several rules for the favorable conduct of speech communication. Understanding your statement is related to the construction of the sentence. Long sentences make it difficult to understand, as they are difficult and grammatically unclear. To understand them, the partner needs a lot of concentration Журнал «Трибуна ученого» Выпуск 11/2020 http://tribune-scientists.ru 6 and attention. In addition, they make it difficult to understand the issue, the meaning is often lost in subordinate clauses. Short sentences (8-15 words) are made up of complete thoughts. These are accurate and powerful statements. Short sentences are always descriptive. The voice is the most powerful persuasion tool. The expressiveness of the voice is perceived by the partner not so much by the mind as by the feeling. Your voice evokes sympathy or antipathy. Monotony of speech is often the cause of business communication failure. Pauses interrupt the flow of speech. They also perform psychological functions: they increase attention, soothe, emphasize what is said and help to take a break. It is recommended to use verbs more often in speech, rather than nouns. Verbs give a statement clarity, nouns - for the most part, a semantic meaning, which is often abstract. Avoid adjectives as much as possible, they are too personal. A serious problem arises when a partner does not fully understand or otherwise interprets the meaning of a word or statement that you put into them. The partner either expands or narrows the meaning of the spoken word. The more abstract the concept, the more meaningful it can be interpreted. Often you need to explain to the interlocutor at the beginning of the conversation what you mean by this or that concept [5, p. 254]. According to I. R. Galperin "In the flow of speech, redundancy helps to highlight the main thing, to shade the essential, to muffle the secondary, and thereby give an opportunity to concentrate on the information itself." A message that does not contain redundant information is usually the most difficult to understand. At the same time, excessive redundancy of the message is an almost complete lack of information, which is also undesirable. Evaluation of content-based information is determined by its novelty, freshness and unexpectedness [6, p. 260]. Verbal communication uses human speech as a sign system, natural sound language, that is, a system of phonetic signs, which includes two principles: lexical and 7 Журнал «Трибуна ученого» Выпуск 11/2020 http://tribune-scientists.ru syntactic. Speech is the most versatile means of communication, since the meaning of the message is least lost when transmitting information using speech. With the help of speech, information is encoded and decoded: the communicator encodes in the process of speaking, and the recipient in the process of listening decodes this information. The accuracy of the listener's understanding of the meaning of the statement can become obvious to the communicator only when there is a change in the “communicative roles”, i.e. when the recipient turns into a communicator and by his utterance will let you know how he revealed the meaning of the information received. Dialogue as a specific type of "conversation" is a sequential change of communicative roles, during which the meaning of a speech message is revealed. The success of verbal communication in the case of a dialogue is determined by the extent to which the partners provide the thematic focus of information, as well as its bilateral nature. In social psychology, there is a large number of experimental studies that clarify the conditions and methods for increasing the effect of speech influence, both the forms of various communication barriers and the ways to overcome them have been studied in sufficient detail. In conclusion, we can quote the words of M. Montaigne about the verbal communication: “The gift of speech is one of the most amazing and most human abilities. We are so accustomed to using this wonderful gift of nature that we do not even notice how perfect, complex and mysterious it is. A thought is born in a person. To convey it to another, he utters words. Is it not surprising that the acoustic wave, born of a person's voice, carries in itself all the shades of his thoughts and feelings, reaches the hearing of another person, and immediately thoughts and feelings become available to this person, he comprehends their secret meaning and significance.” But although speech is a universal means of communication, it acquires meaning only if it is included in the system of activity, and this inclusion is necessarily complemented by the use of other non-speech sign systems. Журнал «Трибуна ученого» Выпуск 11/2020 http://tribune-scientists.ru 8 References: 1. Немов Р.С. Психология: Учеб.для студ. Высш.пед.учеб.заведений. М.: Владос, 2002. 688 с. 2. Горанчук В.В. Психология делового общения и управленческих воздействий СПб.:Издательскийц Дом «Нева»; М.: «Олма-Пресс Инвест», 2003. 288 с. 3. Карнеги Д. Как завоёвывать друзей и оказывать влияние на людей: Пер. с англ. Рязань: Дело, 2004. 720 с. 4. Куницына В.Н. Межличностное общение. 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