- ТРИБУНА УЧЁНОГО электронный научно-практический журнал
Статья опубликована в журнале за "Ноябрь 2020"
Автор(ы) статьи: Ожикова А.М.
PDF файл статьиOzhikova Aidana Maratovna 1st year master student, faculty of philology Eurasian National University named after L.N. Gumilyov, Kazakhstan, Nur-Sultan e-mail: aydana.ozhikova@mail.ru Scientific adviser: Kozhakanova M.T., associate professor of the Department of theory and practice of foreign languages Eurasian National University named after L.N. Gumilyov, Kazakhstan, Nur-Sultan WEB-QUEST TECHNOLOGY AS A TOOL OF FORMATION STUDENTS’ SOCIO-CULTURAL COMPETENCE Abstract: The article deals with the aspects of formation of foreign language socio-cultural competence of university students in the context of a personality- oriented approach. The features of the implementation of the educational technology "web quest" are presented; the article describes typical characteristics of web-quests of socio-cultural focus. Key words: web-quest, socio-cultural competence, personality-oriented approach, intercultural dialogue. Digital technologies have now become an integral part of the language education system. This is primarily due to the advent of the information age in the development of modern society. In addition, research on this issue has confirmed that digital technologies contribute to more intensive learning of the material, focus on the search for system connections and patterns [1, p. 247], which in turn allows to create an effective educational environment. At the same time, researchers of language education problems note the need to form educational environments in foreign language education from the point of view of cultural conformity. Based on the analysis of different approaches to the concept of socio-cultural competence, the thesis of the inseparability of language teaching from a parallel study the culture of the target language, their history and contemporary life is seen as the reflection of national culture, on what basis we can conclude that sociocultural aspect is an ongoing, integral part of the educational process, which is especially important in the framework of foreign language teaching of university students. Intercultural Журнал «Трибуна ученого» Выпуск 11/2020 http://tribune-scientists.ru 1 dialogue, mutual understanding and language as a reflection of culture are considered in this regard as the value dominants of modern language education. We will highlight the most relevant, aspects of the formation of socio-cultural competence in the process of teaching a foreign language in a university: - the educational aspect implies the humanization of education, training based on the dialogue of cultures, the formation of mutual understanding and respect for other cultures through educational means, showing interest in contact with elements of the culture of the countries of the studied language, awareness and evaluation of the value system of their own culture and the values of other cultures; - the general education aspect is aimed at managing flows socio-cultural information and awareness of the latter in the process of interaction with components of another's culture, which in turn implies understanding and interpretation of relationships within the framework of intercultural interaction; - the developmental aspect creates the basis for using the socio-cultural background as a component of teaching a foreign language for understanding and interpreting socio-cultural elements, which allows to navigate the value norms of native society and the society of the countries of the studied language, to form a readiness for conscious choice, making informed independent decisions. All of the above creates a solid basis for formulating students’ point of view through design, research, search and creative work; - the practical aspect, according to Belyakova E. G., makes it possible to communicate in various life situations and situations of professional communication correctly in relation to the communication partner, taking into account situational features, the status of the interlocutor, the extralinguistic context, etc., to use adequate speech means in various communicative situations, apply socio-cultural background knowledge in a situation of professional contact, etc [2, p. 15]. These aspects of the development of socio-cultural competence, along with using modern methodological concept of the perception assume the necessity of forming sociocultural competence of students on the basis of personality-oriented approach. 2 Журнал «Трибуна ученого» Выпуск 11/2020 http://tribune-scientists.ru A personality-oriented approach permeates all components of the holistic education system (educational goals, educational content, methods and techniques, learning technologies) and the educational process as a whole, contributing to the creation of a favorable educational environment, atmosphere for students ' learning and upbringing conditions. This approach assumes a special emphasis on the socio-cultural component of foreign language. So, Dolgova S. J. argues that we are talking about immersion in the real language environment in the educational environment in the learning process, thus, in turn, leads to the development of independent thinking of students [3, p. 170]. The development of socio-cultural competence plays an important role for the training of future professionals, since during this period the features of puberty development imply the formation of an idea of a person's place in the modern world in general and their place in society in particular, about the interaction of cultures at various levels of communication. This type of competence, confirms Pochinok T. R., makes it possible to overcome xenophobia and existing negative stereotypes, and foster tolerance for native speakers of another language and representatives of another culture [4, p. 3]. In the process of teaching a foreign language, socio-cultural competence is formed by familiarizing students with the national and cultural specifics of speech behavior and the realities of the countries of the language being studied: social norms, rules, conventions, stereotypes, and country-specific knowledge. Socio-cultural competence implies using language as a means of transmitting the cultural experience of the country, understanding it as a reflection of the historical stages of development of the country and society, along with knowledge of the norms of speech behavior depending on the communicative situation, as well as the ability to identify nationally marked vocabulary in texts of different styles and understand its meaning. Thus, in the process of formation of sociocultural competence of the teacher the student must pass a set of knowledge about values, beliefs, behavioral samples, customs, traditions, language and culture inherent a particular society and characterizing it, thereby Журнал «Трибуна ученого» Выпуск 11/2020 http://tribune-scientists.ru 3 attaching students to culture and worldview of another country, which may be implemented using modern educational technology web quest. Web quest technology was developed by Bernie Dodge, a Professor of educational technology at San Diego State University (USA) and his student Tom March in 1995. Scientists have proposed a web quest model that is implemented for successful integration of the Internet into the educational process. Among the advantages of using web quests are: - the ability to use authentic text materials, - the development of search skills and the ability to establish system connections, - increasing motivation to learn a foreign language; - creating an atmosphere of cooperation and creativity [5, p. 11]. The use of web-quest technology in teaching a foreign language makes it possible to create an integral didactic construct based on it, which includes a unique form of teaching, content, methods of teaching and control, and makes it possible to remotely manage students ' independent learning activities in a prepared and didactically structured Internet environment [6, p. 167]. Thus, the web-quest serves as a basis for immersion in a foreign language socio-cultural environment, provided that students implement full-fledged and effective search and constructive activities, therefore, it can be considered as a basis for the formation and development of socio- cultural competence of students. In this regard, we define the typical characteristics of a socio-cultural web quest: - aimed at learning the cultural realities of the country of the language being studied and identifying cultural facts, as well as their perception on an emotional and personal level; - saturated with socio-cultural information from authentic sources; contains linguo-cultural-colored vocabulary and is aimed at introducing it to the active vocabulary of students - involves a large amount of independent search, constructive and creative activities and based on the analysis and comparison of socio-cultural phenomena of the countries of the native and studied languages; 4 Журнал «Трибуна ученого» Выпуск 11/2020 http://tribune-scientists.ru - aimed at developing tolerance, empathy and socio-cultural observation in relation to own and foreign culture; Web quests have a generally accepted structure and traditionally consist of several parts: 1. Introduction (Introduction): students are presented with a problem, they are introduced to the situation (problem) and background information. Writing an introduction is a crucial stage, because this stage solves the problem of motivating students, and therefore is designed to arouse interest and desire to participate in solving the quest. 2. Creative and interesting task. This section offers the main task for the quest, and intermediate tasks can be added to ensure that the main building is completed. For example, Your task is: - to use the resources given and study the information about superstitions which you will find there, - to answer all the questions, - to find some extra information about superstitions, - to introduce the results of your research in a booklet. The final result of the quest should be the creation of an intellectual product; it can be a presentation, a prospectus, a booklet, a collage, or even an online book. 3. Description of the process that will lead students to complete the task (Process). At this stage, it is important to prepare students to get the final result, which is why teacher should think through the logic of completing tasks and their order, should evaluate how each specific task will contribute to solving the final task. 4. A set of information sources needed to perform the job (Resources/References). In this section, students should be encouraged to study and use the most significant, reliable and correct sources of information that were previously studied by the authors of the quest. In some cases, it is advisable to place links to information sources in the previous section in the hyperlink format. Журнал «Трибуна ученого» Выпуск 11/2020 http://tribune-scientists.ru 5 5. Conclusion (Conclusion). This section summarizes the web-quest and reminds students of what they have learned. In addition, methodological support of this technology plays an important role, since its implementation in the framework of university language training involves obtaining personal, metasubject and subject results. That is why each quest should be accompanied by a methodological commentary (Teacher's Page), which will clarify the goals and objectives of this Internet resource. In addition, it is important to provide students with information about the final evaluation of the quest on a separate tab (Evaluation), where the criteria for evaluating the final result of the task will be placed. Thus, the technology of web-quest will contribute to the development of socio- cultural competence of university students. It should be noted that the socio-cultural use of Internet technologies in the educational process in a foreign language increases the motivation of students to study the culture of the country of the language being studied and to use information technologies in their educational activities that supply the full development of the informational culture of students. References: 1. Titova S. V. Digital technologies in teaching foreign languages: theory and practice. Moscow: Editus, 2017. 247 p. 2. Belyakova E.G. Socio-cultural information space in the context of the problem of personality formation // Vestnik TSU. Series «Pedagogy. Psychology. Philosophy». 2010. № 5. Pp. 11-17. 3. Dolgova S.J. Intercultural aspects of scientific work of students // Science and society. 2012. № 1. Pp.168 -171. 4. Pochinok T.R. Formation of socio-cultural competence as the basis of socio- cultural communication //Foreign languages at school. 2007. № 7. Pp. 2-6. 5. Dodge, B. (1995a). Some thoughts about Web-quests. November 16, 2007 from “About Web-Quests” at webquest.sdsu.edu.p. 12-13. 6 Журнал «Трибуна ученого» Выпуск 11/2020 http://tribune-scientists.ru 6. Baguzina E. I. Web quest technology as a didactic means of forming foreign language communicative competence: on the example of students of a non-linguistic University. Moscow, 2011. Pp. 167-169. 7. Web-quest. What follows you around? Luck or misfortune? [Electronic resource]. Accept to: URL: https://superstitions1.jimdo.com/ (24.04.2019). Журнал «Трибуна ученого» Выпуск 11/2020 http://tribune-scientists.ru 7